- 如有疑似covid症狀暫留家中觀察student at-home screening sheet
- 進入教會全程配戴口罩
- 教室內及教會公共區域請勿飲食
- 確診或接觸確診者,請立即與學校及該班老師/家長代表聯繫
- 經確診請自主隔離兩周
- 詳細防疫規則here
學生義工Pre-k課堂協助/G1課後輔導 (Sign-Up Here)
Amazon Smile 贊助連結 (Link Here)
順手之舉,惠澤學校。在Amazon的網站消費,請使用以下連結。此舉完全不影響您的消費金额,但Amazon會依消費提撥贊助給學校。 http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-3424696
僑務及文化訊息Overseas Community Affairs & Cultural Bulletin:
(New) 亞裔文化月舞獅表演/Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month celebration (Link)
活動日期/時間 When: 5/7/22 (11-12 noon)
活動地點 Where:Bloomfield Township Public Library
美加及紐澳疫情趨緩 自4月18日零時起,航班措施調整為「唾液採檢」(Link)
2022 美華協會 ACA Youth Cultural Summer Camp (Jul 11- 29) (Link)
活動日期: 8/8/2022 – 8/12/2022
活動時間: 9 AM – 4 PM, 週一至週五
適合年齡: 幼稚園班 到 8年級 (2022-2023學年度)
活動地點:Ward Church, Northville
費用: 每位學員 $200 (於5/14/2021完成報名註冊並繳費者,享有每位學員$110的早鳥優惠優惠)
詳情請洽 Vicky Thomsen (Email: vicky1119@yahoo.com Cell: (734)223-2078)
活動內容包括扯鈴、皮影戲、武術、捏麵人、國樂打擊樂器、傳統舞蹈、書法、中國結、剪紙藝術等等…。(實際活動內容視情況調整不另行通知) 報名表和詳細內容如附件 (Link)
「2022年僑務委員會海外青年語文研習班(遠距視訊教 學)」全球暑期班自即日起開始招生報名 (Link)
「2022年海外青年文化大使培訓班FASCA」自即日起開始報名 (Link)
Hope everyone enjoyed watching our annual virtual intra-scholastic speech event last week. It’s very encouraging to see our students trying their best to deliver their speech performance in Mandarin by leveraging what they’ve learned at MCS.
I also would like to give a big shout-out to our speech planning committee (Clair/Yeewei/Ari/Sam/Eden/Sammy), teacher judges, and the parents of the participating students, who devoted their personal time working hard behind the scenes to make our virtual event a great success!
With this said, I am happy to announce that the following students have been recommended by our teacher judges to represent MCS in the coming inter-scholastic speech event to be held on Sat (May 7, 2022). Wish you all the best!!
Last but not least, I would like to congratulate ALL the participating students for their advancement in the Mandarin learning journey by committing themselves to this event and showcasing their Chinese speech performance in front of the camera. Great job well done everyone!!
Parent on Duty:
Family: 吳育賢/曾俐屏
- Keeping the school hours by ringing the bell at the beginning and the end of each class
- Keeping students in order and safe during recess (e.g., no student running/chasing allowed inside the Ward church)
Despite the improvement of the overall COVID-19 situation, please continue to stay vigilant against COVID-19 and be reminded of a few safety protocols below.
COVID 19 Protocols
- Students should review the student at-home screening sheet before arriving at school.
- If your child tests positive for COVID-19, please contact your teacher and class parent rep.
- A student or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 must quarantine for two weeks.
- Universal masking upon entering the Ward Church facility.
Health and Wellness Practices (in School & at Home)
- Details can be found here;
- Two friendly reminders:
- Universal masking upon entering the Ward Church facility
- No indoor food consumption; snacking at outdoor areas only
Student Volunteer Sign-Up! (Link Here)
All actual volunteering hours will be tracked and provided with MCS’s community service hour certificates. We look forward to having more student volunteers from the current MCS registering families (teachers included) and/or MCS alumni.
MCS is a non-profit co-op organization with students’ parents serving various non-teaching staff positions as volunteers to help create a self-sufficient, community oriented Chinese learning environment. Serving as MCS volunteer is a great way to get involved and expand your network with other MCS families, and any help you could provide is greatly appreciated. Each volunteer family is eligible for a $30 volunteer reward at the end of the school year.
Amazon Smile Link
An easy move to benefit MCS. Please use the following link when you shop on Amazon. This will not cost you a penny but will help the school to get some funding from Amazon. http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-3424696