MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v 1.5) – 09/04/2019

本週六 9/7 就是新學期的開始囉
1. 上課時間是 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM2. 開學日的第一堂課的前15分鐘,各班老師會有個座談會,向家長們說明本學年的教學計劃。請家長們務必參與。
3. 各班家長們也可以利用座談會後時間互相認識,增進感情,並推選出家長代表。家長代表選出後請提供老師您的姓名和聯絡方式。
4. 第一週請記得報名課外活動 – 除了上一封電子報提的扯鈴班,跆拳道,編織課,美術班,舞獅隊,和家長籃球俱樂部之外,還新增了國樂班。詳請請洽黃雅玲 (Ya-Ling Huang 7347182793) 或張蘊文 (Claire Aho 3133481812)
5. 請家長代表將T-Shirt Pre-order 的尺寸和數量交給義賣小組 (Jennifer Morikawa, Ice Chai, or Sammy Li)。T-Shirt尺寸有 Men-S ~ Men-3XL, Women-S ~ Women-2XL, Kids-XS ~ Kids-XL, 樣式請參考附件圖片,每件$15。謝謝您對學校的支持! 
6. 義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮卡獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:
7. 學校行事曆與教室分佈位置請參考附件

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Hi MCS associates,
Our school opening day is this coming Saturday 9/7.
Quick reminders for you convenience:1. Class starts from 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM2. Teachers will spend the first 15 minutes to go through the syllabus for parents and students. Please make sure to attend.
3. After the short 15-min meeting with teachers, please elect a parent representative as the communication bridge for your class. Please leave your contact info to the teacher.
4. Extra-curricular registration: In addition to Chinese YoYo, Taekwondo, Knitting, Art & Painting, Parents Basketball and Lion dance, a new class “Chinese Traditional Music” just became available. Please contact (Ya-Ling Huang 7347182793) or (Claire Aho 3133481812)
5. Class PR (Parent Representative) please collect the sizes and numbers of T-Shirt Pre-order and provide them to PTA fundraising team (Jennifer Morikawa, Ice Chai, or Sammy Li). T-shirt price is $15 each. Sizes available: Men-S ~ Men-3XL; Women-S ~ Women-2XL; Kids-XS ~ Kids-XL. Please see attachments for design. Thank you for supporting MCS.
6. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a non-profit organization.  It is operated by registered families.  Principal, staff and task helpers are volunteer parents.  All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload.   * There are $30 voluntary rewards when you sign up and complete the work.  Here is the link of sign up sheet.
7. Calendar and Classroom Information:  Please see attachments
See you all on Saturday!!