MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (9) – 10/31/2019


以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 讀書月結束 活動時間 : 9/28 - 11/2

2. 學校行事曆更動 由於教會場地因素,下學期的校內演講比賽將改到4/18/2020,而校際演講比賽則改至 5/9/2020。其他籌備會議日期也有小調整,請參考附件更新版行事曆。

3. 本週值日家長: 陳杰宏 & 黃慧敏懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

4. 特別感謝
感謝 Jennifer Feng 捐贈了 200 本兒童中文讀物給學校,未來同學們讀書月將有更多的圖書選擇。也感謝 Camille 細心整理並管理借書事宜。

5. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:

6. 教育基金規劃講座
精誠財務 Judy王專員 將於本週六11/2/2019 @ 1:40 pm 於本校 Studio 1 教室(請參考附件位置圖) 舉辦教育基金的規劃講座。(高年級班本週將使用Hub Meeting Room上課)王女士長期以來支持中文教育,對本校的各項活動都熱情參與並提供贊助。每年也會不定期舉辦講座分享專業的理財訊息,不論是對孩子未來教育基金的規劃或是報稅節稅,都有很實際的幫助 。當中也會分析介紹各種教育基金工具的優點和槓杆,幫大家找到最適合自己的方案。今年更加入了新的主題內容理財教育從小學起。這個實用的主題在各講座中都有很大的回響,精彩可期。


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Dear MCS associates,

We all had a great time last weekend and enjoyed the Harvest Festival. Thanks for your participation and help on decoration. Photos are available via the following link.

Following are highlights for activities in this week:

1. Reading Month When: 9/28 – 11/2Please remind students to return reading log.

2. School Calendar Updates Due to the availability of church facility, there are a few updates made to our calendar. Intrascholastic Speech Contest is moved to 4/18/2020 and Inter-School Speech Contest is moved to 5/9/2020. Meeting dates are also adjusted accordingly. Please refer to the attached revised calendar.

3. Parents on Duty:陳杰宏 & 黃慧敏Please remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

4. Special Thanks Big thanks to Jennifer Feng who donated 200 Chinese story books to MCS. Our students will have more choices for reading month in the future. Also thanks for Camille organize them and made them available for borrowing.

5. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

6. Edu-funds Seminar
Judy Wang from JingCheng Finance will be conducting a seminar to introduce Edu-funds planning on Saturday 11/2/2019 at 1:40 pm in Studio 1. (Map attached) (Senior Class will be using Hub Meeting Room this week.) Judy is also a generous sponsor to MCS who has been supporting us for years. Her professional analysis will help everyone to determine the tools that fit our needs, maximize tax credits/deductibles, and leverage the investment! This year she will also share a new topicFinancial Education for Children.