會話班 ( CFL Class ) 教師 – 吳宣萱

教 師:吳宣萱- 三十二年的教學經驗,任教於密西根中文學校十五年。擁有雙主修營養及學前教育學士,公共衛生碩士,高血脂症博士後研究。吳老師熱愛中文教學,和小朋友一 起 遊戲成長是她保持年輕的小秘訣.吳老師和小朋友在課堂上一起快樂的學習.家長和老師們, 今日在小朋友心中種下中文學習的小種籽,並以快樂和歡笑灌溉,日後必能 得到豐碩的成果。

Shari Wu, holds double major in Nutrition and pre-school education, minor in Spanish Batcher degree, a Master degree of Public Health Nutrition Education and Post-doctorate fellowship in hyper-lipidimia research.
She has thirty years of teaching experiences, had taught in Michigan Chinese School for fifteen years. It is her hobby to teach Chinese here. Playing with the kids is the secret of keeping her look young. She always says that “I just wanted to have fun with my students.” She believes that the seed of life-long learning of Chinese, which we are planting now, needs to be nurtured with joy and happiness.

以輕鬆愉快的課堂學習環境,培養對學習中文的興趣,達到聽、説、讀、寫的目標 ; 並落實生活化的中文,能將中文活用於生活當中。
My goal:
To provide students with a fun and interesting immerging language learning environment through varieties of activities, such as: songs, games, crafts, projects, and stories. Children should be able to listen, speak, read and write some simple Chinese characters and apply to daily life at the end of the school year.

• 聽-提供小朋友學習中文的環境,中文課聽中文,聆聽課文、句形變化、及故事等
• 説-中文課講中文,討論、表達、溝通等
• 讀-朗讀課文、認字、閱讀小品故事
• 寫-生字、造詞、造句

Class activities:
• Listen- catch the time and tune of Chinese spoken language from the text book, sentence pattern, and extra stories
• Speak- communicate with teacher and classmates in Chinese
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• Write- practice on new vocabularies, phrases, sentences or composition.

•Go Chinese- Go100 and Go200,情境描述(看圖説故事)、背誦、朗讀、聽寫、板書、文字遊戲
• 課外教材-小品故事欣賞、介紹傳統中國及美國節日、字典、普通常識...等

• Go Chinese- Go100 and Go200  provided by Taiwan government: story and retell, reciting, read out loud, dictating, practice writing, playing word games.
• Extra supplement:  introduce traditional Chinese Festivals and local American Holidays, use dictionary, common sense…etc.

• 大約二至三週上一課, 共十課
• 每上完一課小考, 每上完五課期中考及期末考

• Totally 10 lessons.
• Every two to three weeks complete one lesson.
• Quiz on every lesson completed, midterm and final exam on every five lessons finished.