密西根中文學校週報 (開學日, 9/11/21) MCS Newsletter (1st Day of School, 9/11/21)
開學日是明日周六9月11號 (1:30 – 3:30 p.m.),今年我們回歸實體課程,為了能順利安全地持續以實體教學授課,請大家共同配合以下的防疫規範,其中最主要的在此特別提醒進入教會請全程配戴口罩,若您不慎遺忘/遺失口罩,校方備有一次性口罩提供使用。
Dear MCS Families,
We are excited to welcome all of you back to in-person Chinese learning tomorrow, Saturday, Sep 11, 2021. Please refer to below for a few important housekeeping items and announcements to kick off our 2021-2022 school year!
1st Day of School (Saturday, Sep 11, 2021, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.)
- Unless separately communicated by respective class teacher, parents are expected to stay in the classroom for the first 15 minutes to meet/greet with the respective class teacher for general class information sharing and class parent representative election
- Pre-class cleaning and disinfection to be done by designated MCS Staff
- Safety/Health protocol update:
- Universal masking upon entering the Ward Church facility
- No indoor food consumption; snacking at outdoor areas only
校內防疫規範Health and Wellness Practices (In School)
- 進入教會室內請務必確實配戴口罩
ALL MCS students, staff, and visitors shall wear a mask upon entering the Ward Church facility regardless of vaccination status
- 上課前由各班輪值家長清潔消毒教室桌椅
Pre-class cleaning and disinfection by respective class parent (Details to be communicated by respective class teacher)
- 學生進入教室前進行手部消毒
Frequent hand sanitization (Hand sanitizer will be available in each classroom)
- 學生固定座位以維持社交距離
Fixed classroom seating to maintain physical distancing and contact tracing
- 教室及教會室內空間均禁止飲食,如需飲食請在休息時間至戶外空間
No indoor food consumption; Snacking at outdoor areas only
- 除非該班老師要求,家長送學生進入教室後,請勿逗留教室外走廊,請至教會公共區域等待(請戴口罩,保持社交距離)
Unless requested by class teacher, parents to wait at the public areas outside of the classroom block within Ward Church after dropping off students (i.e., please refrain from waiting in the hallway outside of classroom)
居家防疫規範Health and Wellness Practices (Home)
- 鼓勵疫苗接種
Promote vaccination as appropriate
- 請家長們隨時注意學生的健康狀況
Screen for COVID symptoms
- 如有疑似症狀請停止到校,暫留家中觀察
Stay home when sick
- 一旦確診或接觸確診者,請立即與學校及該班老師/家長代表聯繫,並且自主隔離兩周
If COVID-19 positive or confirmed direct exposure:
- Inform your classroom teacher & parent rep
- Stay home for two weeks
各年級教室分佈圖School Location/Classroom Map
- 學校地址(教會4號入口右轉或是5號入口直走)School Address:
- Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile Rd, Northville, MI 48168 (Direction Here)
- MCS is located nearby the Entry #4 & #5 of the Ward Church facility
- 教室圖Classroom Map (see below)
- 開學當天教室門口會張貼班級和學生名單,年紀較小的孩子請家長引導進入教室
A poster with enrolled student’s name will be displayed outside of the classroom entrance for reference/convenience
學年行事曆請見附件School Calendar (see attached)
MCS is a non-profit co-op organization with students’ parents serving various non-teaching staff positions as volunteers to help create a self-sufficient, community oriented Chinese learning environment. Serving as MCS volunteer is a great way to get involved and expand your network with other MCS families, and any help you could provide is greatly appreciated. Each volunteer family is eligible for a $30 volunteer reward at the end of the school year.
Amazon Smile 贊助連結
順手之舉,惠澤學校。在Amazon的網站消費,請使用以下連結。此舉完全不影響您的消費金额,但Amazon會依消費提撥贊助給學校。 http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-3424696
Amazon Smile Link
An easy move to benefit MCS. Please use the following link when you shop on Amazon. This will not cost you a penny but will help the school to get some funding from Amazon. http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-3424696
僑務訊息Overseas Community Affairs Bulletin: