密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter – 11/20/2021
學校即將在12月11舉辦點心義賣&跳蚤市場活動,點心義賣包含學校手藝很棒的家長料理烘培的點心小吃,與學校贊助店家商品預購,因為疫情關係,食物均以預購為限,活動當天不提供現場販售,預購即日起開放登記至12月4號,於活動當天提領。跳蚤市場則由學校家庭捐贈二手/全新商品拍賣,請大家踴躍訂購與捐贈,今年我們的目標是募集$1000,所有收益將用於支持學校各項活動。另外,活動當天我們需要各位家長幫忙分發食物,分類裝袋,請至連結登記活動義工。Click HERE to pre-order, donate items, or volunteer.
Burre, Keerthideep/Rodriguez, Marta
MCS 教師榮譽榜
林曉君(Hsiao Chun Lin) 5年
沈玲裳(Ling-Shang Shen) 5年
尹昌舜 ( Teresa Lien ) 10 年
楊維琍(Weili Wei) 20 年
尹昌舜 ( Teresa Lien ) 「依納爵教學法在華語教學之應用–以底特律耶穌會高中為例」
- 詳細防疫規則here
- 重點提醒
Amazon Smile 贊助連結 (Link Here)
順手之舉,惠澤學校。在Amazon的網站消費,請使用以下連結。此舉完全不影響您的消費金额,但Amazon會依消費提撥贊助給學校。 http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-3424696
僑務訊息Overseas Community Affairs Bulletin:
僑委會訂於臺灣時間(110)年11月23日(星期二)至24日(星期三)假臺北市張榮發基金會國際會議中心舉辦「華語教學國際高峰會(International Summit on Mandarin Education)」,主要聚焦討論臺灣華語文教學深耕歐美主流社區、引領僑校轉型及強化臺灣華語文學習中心功能等實務典範面向,邀請海外臺灣華語文學習中心負責人、僑校負責人等重要人士,並結合國內大專院校、學術界、智能產業、官方代表等進行產官學交流,以實體與線上直播同步進行。
為便利全球各地無法親臨現場者共同參與旨揭高峰會,僑委會將透過「全球華文網」(https://www.huayuworld.org)、Facebook粉絲專業 (https://www.facebook.com/huayuworld)及活動網頁(https://www.epochtimes.com.tw/event/ISME/)直播。
<New> 【來臺升大學?讓夢想實現】
? 111學年度(2022)海外僑生申請來臺升讀大學校院學士班及碩博士班,一路開放報名至12/15喔‼
Hope all is well. We’ve officially kicked off our annual bake/rummage sale event through pre-ordering between now and Dec 4 and would like to seek volunteers from the MCS parents to make this event a success. Also, our directory will be ready for pick-up tomorrow and please refer to all of the directory sponsoring advertisements this year at the bottom of this newsletter. Below please find the detailed pre-order/volunteering information along with a few announcements, including honorable achievements by our MCS teachers, for our 10th week of the class tomorrow. Last but not least, there is no school next Sat (Nov 27, 2021) in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Happy Thanksgiving in advance!
Parent on Duty:
Family: Burre, Keerthideep/Rodriguez, Marta
- Keeping the school hours by ringing the bell at the beginning and the end of each class
- Keeping students in order and safe during recess (e.g., no student running/chasing allowed inside the Ward church)
Congratulations for MCS Teacher Achievements!
Teaching Service Awards (by OCAC)
林曉君(Hsiao Chun Lin) 5 years
沈玲裳(Ling-Shang Shen) 5 years
尹昌舜 ( Teresa Lien ) 10 years
楊維琍(Weili Wei) 20 years
Academic Thesis Honorable Mention
尹昌舜 ( Teresa Lien )- “The Application of Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm at University of Detroit Jesuit High School”
2021-2022 MCS Directory pick-up tomorrow (Nov 20, 2021)
Big shout-out to our Documentation team led by Steven Lien and those who helped secure the advertisement sponsorship this year!
MCS Annual Bake/Food/Item Sale (PRE-ORDER Only. Order NOW until 4-Dec-2021, No EXTRAS will be available on site for Sale)
It is time to help raise funds to support the MCS! Our goal is to raise $1,000+ net profit.
Due to COVID and food regulations the church has provided, the sale will be different this year.
Pre-orders only. No additional food sales on site. Pre-payment is requested with Zelle to MCS account, cash, or check.
Delivery Date for pre-order food items is 11-Dec-2021.
Click HERE to pre-order, donate items, or volunteer.
1.There are 3 main food order tabs to order from with over 25 food items. PRE-ORDER by 4-DEC-2021
- A few more items could be added so check back often.
- Consider buying a few items as gift for the holidays or bringing to any COVID safe gathering
- Share with friends and family, co-workers in the area who might be able to stop by the church or make arrangements with you
- Some items are perishable, consider bringing a cooler bag on pick up day
- Pre-payment requested due to church rules – pay with Zelle, check, or cash
2. Donate some new or like new toys and other items- for resale
- Please add any items to the sheet
- Disinfect and bring day of where a volunteer will price to sell
- For more information see the google form or contact Cynthia Hsu
3. Sign-up to Volunteer to support the fundraiser
Volunteers are needed to
- Pick up food from vendors (Ann Arbor, Novi, other)
- Organize and help distribute food items at pick-up stations (new method this year due to Church rules)
Items are priced to help raise funds for the school. Funds can go to support facility rental, teachers, cultural and community building programs, etc.
Questions? Please contact Jennifer Morikawa (jennifer.morikawa@gmail.com) for Food Item Sales and Cynthia Hsu (cynthia_al@hotmail.com) for New / Like New Item Sales.
Health and Wellness Practices (in School & at Home)
- Details can be found here;
- Two friendly reminders:
- Universal masking upon entering the Ward Church facility
- No indoor food consumption; snacking at outdoor areas only
MCS is a non-profit co-op organization with students’ parents serving various non-teaching staff positions as volunteers to help create a self-sufficient, community oriented Chinese learning environment. Serving as MCS volunteer is a great way to get involved and expand your network with other MCS families, and any help you could provide is greatly appreciated. Each volunteer family is eligible for a $30 volunteer reward at the end of the school year.
Amazon Smile Link
An easy move to benefit MCS. Please use the following link when you shop on Amazon. This will not cost you a penny but will help the school to get some funding from Amazon. http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-3424696
2021-2022 MCS Directory Ad Sponsors (Many Thanks!!)