密西根中文學校週報–MCS Newsletter – 6/4/2022
2021-22學年即將於明日最後上課日後正式結束,畢業/結業典禮將在2:30pm於Chapel Suite 1 & 2 (map below)舉行,典禮後備有點心,提供家長學生老師們取用。
2022-2023新學年註冊開始,請點選此連結 (HERE) 於學校網頁註冊,在校學生於本學年最後上課日(6月4日)結束前註冊,每位學生均有$20註冊費減免的舊生優惠,請大家前往連結完成線上註冊。在此提醒,於註冊表單寄出之前,請各位家長先至下學年的義工及代課老師表(Link)上填寫您的職務欄位,才算完成註冊程序。
- George Chow
- Judy Wang
- Julia Liu
- Yu-Lu Chen
*義工家長: 請聯繫財務 Ice領取您的義工獎金 ($30 per family).
Amazon Smile 贊助連結 (Link Here)
順手之舉,惠澤學校。在Amazon的網站消費,請使用以下連結。此舉完全不影響您的消費金额,但Amazon會依消費提撥贊助給學校。 http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-3424696
僑務及文化訊息Overseas Community Affairs & Cultural Bulletin:
(New) 自 6月1日零時起,台灣國際機場暫停「落地採驗」,回歸全數旅客抵臺時配合於機場進行「唾液採檢」
(New) 2022僑務委員會全球華語口說爭霸賽 (6月1日~11月30日) (Link)
(New)「2022年僑務委員會海外青年線上營隊」報名資訊公告 (Link)
底特律臺灣商會中華民國111年國慶盃高爾夫球賽和夏季野餐 (Link)
Date: June 18th, 2022
Time: Golf (8 AM to 3 PM) & Picnic (4 PM to 8 PM)
2022 美華協會 ACA Youth Cultural Summer Camp (Jul 11- 29) (Link)
活動日期: 8/8/2022 – 8/12/2022
活動時間: 9 AM – 4 PM, 週一至週五
適合年齡: 幼稚園班 到 8年級 (2022-2023學年度)
活動地點:Ward Church, Northville
費用: 每位學員 $200 (於5/14/2022完成報名註冊並繳費者,享有每位學員$110的早鳥優惠)
詳情請洽 Vicky Thomsen (Email: vicky1119@yahoo.com Cell: (734)223-2078)
活動內容包括扯鈴、皮影戲、武術、捏麵人、國樂打擊樂器、傳統舞蹈、書法、中國結、剪紙藝術等等…。(實際活動內容視情況調整不另行通知) 報名表和詳細內容如附件 (Link)
「2022年僑務委員會海外青年語文研習班(遠距視訊教 學)」全球暑期班自即日起開始招生報名 (Link)
「2022年海外青年文化大使培訓班FASCA」自即日起開始報名 (Link)
Dear MCS Families,
Time really flies! In a blink of an eye our 2021-22 school year is coming to the end with tomorrow being our last session which will be celebrated with our annual graduation/end of school year ceremony. The event will kick off promptly at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at Chapel Suite 1 & 2 (map below), so please plan to arrive a few minutes early to ensure we can conclude our program timely and enjoy the social/snack time afterwards.
As previously announced, the returning MCS families who complete their registration for the next school year (2022-23) by the end of tomorrow (Jun 4) will be eligible for an early registration discount ($20 waiver per student) so please use the link (HERE) to access and complete the registration form accordingly. Please note filling out the volunteer/sub-teacher form (link) separately is mandatory as part of the registration process.
Last but not least, I would like to take a moment to express my personal appreciation for all of our teachers and volunteer families* who have worked hard together to make our first (and hopefully the last) return-to-school year a great success! In addition to the great support we received from our previous fundraising campaigns, I also want to acknowledge and say a BIG “thank you” on behalf of MCS to the following (in alphabetical order) who kindly made donations to our school throughout the year.
- Amazon Smile
- George Chow
- Judy Wang
- Julia Liu
- Yu-Lu Chen
Hope everyone gets to enjoy the well deserved summer break. Please stay safe and healthy, and look forward to seeing you in September!
*Volunteer families: please contact our Treasurer Ice tomorrow to claim your volunteer reward ($30 per family).
Amazon Smile Link
An easy move to benefit MCS. Please use the following link when you shop on Amazon. This will not cost you a penny but will help the school to get some funding from Amazon. http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-3424696