密西根中文學校週報 /MCS Newsletter (11x) 11.26.2022
We do not have classes this Saturday. Wish everyone have a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday!
The following items are the events and announcements for this week:
MCS Annual Bake/Food/Item Sale – PRE-ORDER Only. Order NOW until 30-November, VERY LIMITED will be available on-site for Sale)It is time to help raise funds to support the MCS! Our goal is to raise $1,000+ net profit.
Due to COVID and food regulations the church has provided, the sale will be pre-order/pick-up only.
Pre-payment is requested with Zelle to MCS account (michiganchineseschool@gmail.com), cash, or check. Organizers also have Venmo and Paypal available if needed.
Delivery Date for pre-order food items is 10-Dec-2022.
Click HERE to pre-order or volunteer or scan the QR code
1. Order Food Items
- Consider buying a few items as gifts for the holidays or bringing to a holiday party
- Share with friends and family, co-workers in the area who might be able to stop by the church or make arrangements with you
- Some items are perishable, consider bringing a cooler bag on pick up day
- Pre-payment is requested due to church rules – pay with Zelle, check, or cash
- You will receive an email with the total amount from our organizers with instructions on how to pre-pay.
2. Sign-up to Volunteer to support the fundraiser – Volunteers are needed to
- Pick up food from vendors (Novi, other)
- Create order summaries for pick-up date
- Organize and help distribute food items at pick-up stations
Items are priced to help raise funds for the school. Funds can go to support facility rental, teachers, cultural and community building programs, etc.
Questions? Please contact Jennifer Morikawa (jennifer.morikawa@gmail.com) or Ching Tan (genny122379@hotmail.com).
Brilliant Detroit Holiday Fun Drive
Michigan Lion Dance and MCS are teaming up in participating the Brilliant Detroit Holiday Fun Drive. Please see attached flyer for more information. We are collecting donations on 11/12, 11/19, and 12/3. Please bring your donations and drop them off in the boxes at the hallway outside the classroom area.舞獅隊應邀參加Brillant Detroit 的衣物、玩具、美勞用品捐贈活動, 請11/12, 11/19, 12/3(Sat)將捐出的物品帶來密西根中文學校,交給行政長Jean, 美術長Camille準備的紙箱,12/3 隊員再一起分裝打包完成,當天送給底特律低收入戶的孩子們,讓年幼的孩童穿戴暖和,有個溫暖的寒冬及快樂的聖誕節。
說明:Brillant Detroit 是底特律社區庇護中心,專門幫忙 0-8歲高需求家庭的幼童,輔導就學、照顧身心健康、提供穩定生活。我們很難想像有些家庭的父母因故缺席,造成孩子吃穿冏困、無法就學的困境。我們不能代他們的父母照顧這些孩子,但是我們可以捐贈出多餘的物資,給貧困的孩子一個希望,您就是從北極坐馴鹿來送禮物、帶來光亮的聖誕老人
- 衣物如下:0-10歲 全新/或穿過7成新(請檢查乾淨、完整)
- Coats, Boots, Hats, Gloves / Mittens, Snow pants, Scarves, Warm socks, Fleeces, Sweaters
- 徵召的玩具或美術用品則要「全新」的,這些物品將被包裝成聖誕禮物,送給底特律低收入戶的孩子。
Amazon Smile Link
An easy move to benefit MCS. Please use the following link when you shop on Amazon. This will not cost you a penny but will help the school to get some funding from Amazon. http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-3424696