MCS Communication

密西根中文學校週報 春節版 2/3/24 (MCS Newsletter Lunar New Year Edition 2/3/24)


春節聯歡會特別事項 :  

  1. 晚會節目次序和彩排時間如下,請提前至少5分鐘到舞台前集合彩排。彩排需於1:50 PM結束。如果需要在舞台地板上標示,請使用油漆專用膠帶,以便晚會後撕下復原。謝謝您的合作。
  2.  今年的摸彩獎項非常豐富,總計有30多項,包含禮品、Gift Cards、現金等等。欲加購摸彩券者,請洽入口接待處或在會場內促銷的學生們。請大家踴躍購買摸彩券,多買多中,滿載而歸!
  3. 今年也增加了摸彩卷換愛心小禮物活動。您可以用沒被摸彩抽中的彩卷來交換小禮物。麻煩捐贈禮物的家長們,請在入口處將禮物交給出納Laurie。
  4.  請各位務必記得要帶入場手環!!


Dear MCS Families and Teachers,

This Saturday is our Lunar New Year celebration! Thank you all for your hard work and planning. Please be on time this Saturday and have the party ready.  

Special Reminders for Lunar New Year Celebration:  

  1. Please be noted with the rehearsal schedule in the chart below and be there by the stage at least 5 minutes before your scheduled time. Rehearsal must be finished by 1:50 PM. If you are setting marks on the stage, please use painters tape as it’s easier to be removed and would not cause any damage after the event.
  2. There are 30+ prizes for raffle drawing, including goods, gift cards, and cash!    Please see the reception desk or vending students in the field for additional raffle ticket purchase! Wish you all win big prizes for a lucky new year! 
  3. This year we also added a new activity for you to redeem gifts with your non-winning raffle tickets. For parents who registered to donate gifts, please hand over the gift to Cashier, Laurie at the entrance.
  4. Please make sure to bring your wristbands, they are your tickets for the event!!
Rehearsal TimeClassesTitle
12:00七年級 7th Grade西瓜籽傳奇
12:18六年級 6th Grade恭喜恭喜 + 吉祥話
12:26五年級 5th Grade上網課的第一天
12:34四年級 4th Grade招財進寶–舞龍年
12:41Buffer time 1
13:00三年級 3rd Grade扇子舞
13:06二年級 2nd Grade年獸來了
13:13一年級 1st Grade“新年快樂”唱遊表演
13:21Buffer time 2
13:50彩排結束 End