密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter – 09/21/2024
Thank you for attending the Parent Meeting. Here is the link to the presentation slides. I made a small adjustment, the financial slides are removed. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for volunteering in the school activities and events. As mentioned during the meeting, we still need volunteer for the Vice Principal and the Academic Affairs position. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in filling up these positions.
Thank you for notifying me regarding the Book exchange guidelines. Here is the adjustment:
Free Chinese Reading Book Exchange (outside of the classroom area)
- 每個學生每次借閱無上限。
- 借閱時間為一週(以上課週數計算),下個上課日上課前歸還至書籍借閱區域
- 圖書管理員不會登記每本書籍的借閱者,請大家自我遵守借閱規則
- 如果您的家中還有疫情前跟學校借閱的中文書籍,請帶回學校交換新的書籍
Program guideline:
- Honor system based so no reservation needed or rental record tracking
- Exchange/Borrowing: Student may borrow books for a class week. (i.e., pick up on Saturday class and return on the next Saturday class)
- Donation of Chinese reading books are greatly appreciated