U of M High School Conference

Hi! My name is Kristen Wang, a Michigan Chinese School alumni, and currently a student at the University of Michigan representing the United Asian American Organization (UAAO). Every year, we sponsor a conference aimed at Asian American high school students along who are interested in Asian American issues. During this FREE daylong event held at the University of Michigan campus, we promote student activism and leadership, cultivate both intellectual and personal growth, and educate young Asian American students on relevant historical, societal, and political issues. This year’s High School Conference will be held on Saturday, March 30th from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
As members of a dual identity community, Asian-American students are often caught in a divide between their historical heritage and American culture. Because they are unaware about their unique identity, it is difficult for them to realize the creativity, energy, and individualism they each possess. The 2013 Asian American High School Conference seeks to explore these various issues through empowering workshops, small group debriefs, a special keynote speaker, and various student performances. This year’s keynote speaker will be Frances Wang, an Asian American Writer, Speaker, and Activist. She currently teaches Law at the University of Michigan and writes about multicultural issues for several organizations.

I would like to present this great opportunity to your high school students to be part of the 200 high school students from the metro-Detroit area who participate each year. In order to reach out to as many students as possible, we are asking for your help to publicize this conference to the student body, possibly through announcements, flyers (which I have attached in this email), etc. Please also pass this information along to Asian language classes and student clubs. The conference website is located atumichhsc.wix.com/2013. There, you will be able to find more about the conference, directions to get to the conference location and a way to sign up for the conference.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.


Kristen Wang
University of Michigan 2016
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts


High School Conference Finance Co-Chair

(248) 794-8468

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